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Books Databank
This Databank contains entries on one hundred and seventy-one books that we have utilized to build the datasets which help to inform Cosmos University's Databanks and data models. As we complete the extraction, transmutation, and loading of this data into more usable pieces we update the records contained here.
If you're interested in helping create this databank:
- Suggest any data fields we could add
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- We're seeking more books that have deep amounts of data contained within them
- We're seeking an individual that would find joy in the process of modeling and extracting data from books such as the ones listed below
- We have access to a large number of sacred texts that we would like to publish with this project, and are looking for suggestions on how best to do that for the benefit of someone interacting with these databanks
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Book List
- 50 Years of the Herbalist Almanac
---Known - 777
---Known - A Cordiall Water
---Known - A Country Herbal
---Known - A Dictionary of Omens and Superstitions
---Known - A Gardeners Guide to Plant Names
---Known - A Handbook on Witches
---Known - A Herbal of All Sorts
---Known - A Modern Herbal
---Known - A Romany Life
---Known - A Treasury of American Superstitions
---Known - A Witch's Guide to Gardening
---Known - All About the Months
---Known - Amulets and Talismans
---Known - Amulets, Talismans and Fetishes
---Known - An Introduction of Ethnobotany
---Known - Bizarre Plants: Magical, Monstrous, Mythical
---Known - Blackthorn's Botanical Magic
---Completed Hard Data - Brujeria: A Study of Mexican-American Folk -Magic
---Known - Cast Your Own Spell
---Known - Charms, Spells and Curses for the Millions
---Known - Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic
---Completed Hard Data - Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
---Completed Hard Data - Cures and Curses
---Known - Das Mineralreich
---Found - Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells: The Ultimate Reference Book for the Magical Arts
---Modeling - Encyclopedia of Superstitions
---Known - Etruscan Magic and Occult Remedies
---Known - Flower Lore
---Known - Flowers and Plants: An International Lexicon
---Known - Folklore and Customs of Rural England
---Known - Folklore in America
---Known - Forest Folklore, Mythology and Romance
---Known - From Magic to Science
---Known - Fun & Wagnall's Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend
---Known - Garden Lore of Ancient Athens
---Known - Gardener's Magic and Other Old Wives' Lore
---Found - Gardening With Herbs for Flavor and Fragrance
---Known - Gems and precious stones of North America
---Found - Green Magic
---Found - Gumbo Ya-Ya
---Known - Gypsy Demons and Divinities
---Known - Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune-Telling
---Known - Hallucinogenic Plants
---Known - Hallucinogens and Shamanism
---Known - Hawaiian Mythology
---Known - Healing Crystals: The A - Z Guide to 430 Gemstones
---Modeling - Herb Doctors and Physicians in the Ancient World: The Divine Origin of the Craft of the Herbalist
---Known - Herb Gardening in Five Seaons
---Known - Herbal
---Known - Herbal Delights
---Known - Herbal Magick, A Witch's Guide To Herbal Folklore And Enchantments
---Completed Hard Data - Herbarium
---Known - Herbs and Things: Jeanne Roses Herbal
---Found - Herbs: How to Select, Grow and Enjoy
---Known - Herbs: Medicine and Mysticism
---Known - Hortus Third: A Concise Dictionary of Plants Cultivated in the United States and Canada
---Known - How Indians Use Wild Plants for Food, Medicine and Crafts
---Known - How to Know the Wild Flowers
---Known - Incense: Its Ritual Significance, Use and Preparation
---Known - Indian Uses of Native Plants
---Known - Jeanne Roses Herbal Guide to Inner Health
---Found - Kahuna Laau Lapaau
---Known - Legends of Incense, Herb & Oil Magic
---Known - Magic Medicines of the Indians
---Known - Magic: An Occult Primer
---Known - Mastering Herbalism
---Known - Mastering Witchcraft
---Known - Materials Toward a History of Witchcraft
---Known - Maypoles and Wood Demons: The Meaning of Trees
---Known - Medicinal Plants and Their History
---Known - Natural History
---Known - Natural Magic
---Known - Natural Magic
---Found - Navajo Witchcraft
---Known - Occultism: Its Theory and Practice
---Known - Old Wive's Lore For Gardeners
---Found - Old-Time Herbs for Northern Gardens
---Known - Oriental Magic
---Known - Ozark Superstitions
---Known - Patterns of Culture
---Known - Perfumes and Spices
---Known - Pergemin: Perfumes, Incenses, Colors, Birthstones, Their Occult Properties and Uses
---Known - Persian Beliefs and Customs
---Known - Plantcraft: A Guide to the Everyday Use of Wild Plants
---Found - Poisonous Plants and Fungi in Britain
---Known - Poisonous Plants of California
---Known - Poisonous and Medicinal Plants
---Known - Potpourri, Incense and Other Fragrant Concoctions
---Known - Pow-Wows, Or the Long Lost Friend
---Known - Ritual Book of Herbal Spells
---Known - Science and Secrets of Early Medicine
---Known - Secrets of the Gypsies
---Known - Sorcerers of Dobu
---Known - Spiritual Cleansing: A Handbook of Psychic Protection
---Known - Strange Superstitions and Magical Practices
---Known - Superstition and Magic
---Known - Superstition and Supertitious
---Known - Sybil Leek's Book of Herbs
---Known - Symbols, Sex and the Stars in Popular Beliefs
---Known - Taboo, Magic, Spirits: A Study in Primitive Elements in Roman Religion
---Known - The Art of Simpling
---Known - The Book of Secrets of Albertus Magnus of the Vertues of Herbs, Stones, and Certain Beasts, Also A Book of the Marvels Of The World
---Known - The Book of Spices
---Known - The Complete Book of Magic and Witchcraft
---Known - The Complete Book of Voodoo
---Known - The Concise Herbal Encyclopedia
---Found - The Cross Name Index to Medicinal Plants
---Known - The Crystal Bible
---Modeling - The Dark World of Witches
---Known - The Discoverie of Witchcraft
---Known - The Encyclopedia of Crystals
---Completed Hard Data - The Encyclopedia of Crystals, Herbs and New Age Elements
---Completed Hard Data - The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients : a Wiccan Guide to Spellcasting
---Found - The English Physician
---Known - The Fairies in Tradition and Literature
---Known - The Folklore of Love and Courtship
---Known - The Folklore of Plants
---Known - The Golden Bough
---Known - The Greek Herbal of Dioscorides
---Known - The Herb Book
---Known - The Herb Buyer's Guide
---Known - The Herbalist
---Known - The Herhall, or Generall Historie of Plants
---Known - The History and Origins of Druidism
---Known - The Holy Books of the Devas: An Herbal for the Aquarian Age
---Known - The Illustrated Herbal
---Known - The Key of Solomon
---Known - The Leyden Papyrus
---Known - The Magic Formulary
---Known - The Magic of Herbs
---Known - The Magic of Herbs
---Known - The Magic of Perfume
---Known - The Magical Arts: A Short History
---Known - The Magical Virtues of Candles, Herbs, Incense and Perfume
---Known - The Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer
---Found - The Master Book of Herbalism
---Completed Hard Data - The Modern Herbal Spellbook
---Known - The Mysteries and Secrets of Magic
---Known - The Mysteries of Britain
---Known - The Mystery and Lure of Perfume
---Known - The Mystic Mandrake
---Known - The Occult Properties of Herbs
---Found - The Occult: Secrets of the Hidden World
---Known - The Philosophy of Natural Magic
---Found - The Psychic Power of Plants
---Known - The Romantic Story of Scent
---Known - The Secret Life of Plants
---Found - The Secret Lore of Magic
---Known - The Secret Power of Plants
---Known - The Silver Bullet and Other American Witch Stories
---Known - The Teachings of Don Juan
---Known - The Warlocks Book: Secrets of Black Magic From The Ancient Grimoires
---Known - The Waxing Moon: A Gentle Guide to Magic
---Known - The White Goddess
---Known - The Witch's Garden
---Known - The Witch's Gospel
---Known - The Witches' Workbook
---Known - Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region
---Known - Vitruvius : the ten books on architecture
---Known - Voodoo & Hoodoo: Their Tradition and Craft as Revealed by Actual Practitioners
---Known - Welsh Folklore and Folk-Custom
---Known - Where Witchcraft Lives
---Known - Witchcraft
---Known - Witchcraft In England
---Known - Witchcraft and Sorcery
---Known - Witchcraft in Old and New England
---Known - Witches All
---Known - Witches Still Live
---Known - Witches' Potions and Spells
---Known - Wizard of the Four Winds: A Shamans Story