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People Databank
This Databank contains entries on one hundred and seventy-seven people that we have identified while building the datasets which comprise Cosmos University's Databanks and data models.
If you're interested in helping create this databank:
- Suggest any data fields we could add
- Look for any incorrect data
- If you'd like to help, please join our Discord and make suggestions in the databanks -> #people channel
People List
- Aima
- Spence
- A. W. Johnson
- Abel
- Adam
- Adams Media (Cor)
- Adelma Grenier Simmons
- Aleister Crowley
- Alexander Porteous
- Alphaeus Hyatt Verrill
- Amy Blackthorn
- Ann Grammary
- Ann Tucker Fettner
- Anna Riva
- Anthony R Torkelson
- Arthur S Gregor
- B. J. Healey
- Brett L Bolton
- Bridget Boland
- C. A. Burland
- C. A. Weslager
- C. F. Leyel
- C. J. S. Thompson
- Cain
- Cainan
- Carlos Castaneda
- Carolyn H Hayes
- Charles Alv Hoyt
- Charles Bowness
- Charles Godfrey Leland
- Charles Singer
- Christina Hole
- Christopher Bird
- Claduius Plinius Secundus
- Clarence Meyer
- Claudia De Lys
- Clyde Kluckhorn
- Dana Starr
- David Conway
- Donald Law
- Doreen Valiente
- Doroth Jacob
- Dorothy Burr Thompson
- Douglas Sharon
- Draja Mickaharic
- Duncan Emrich
- E. A. Wallis Budge
- E. M. McClintock
- E. Radford
- Earnest Busenbark
- Edith Grey Wheelwright
- Edith Van Allen Murphy
- Edna
- Eli Edward Burris
- Elizabeth Pepper
- Elizabeth S Helfman
- Elwood Trigg
- Enoch
- Enos
- Eric Maple
- Eve
- F. L. Griffith
- Frances Densmore
- Francis Barret
- Frank H. Brightman
- Frederick Rosengarten
- Geoffrey Grigson
- George Frederich Kunz
- George Lyman Kittredge
- Gerina Dunwich
- Gillian Tindall
- Gipsy Petulengro
- H. C. Lea
- Harold Hansen
- Helen Chappell
- Helen Morgenthau Fox
- Henning Cohen
- Henri Gamache
- Henri Masse
- Henry Cornelius Agrippa
- Herbet Thompson
- Herman Slater
- Hilderic Friend
- Hubert J. Davis
- James Frazer
- Jared
- Jeanne Rose
- Jim Haskins
- John Baptista Porta
- John George Hohman
- John Gerard
- John Goodyer
- John Lust
- John Trueman
- John Whitman
- John Wilcox
- Joseph Wood Krutch
- Judika Illes
- Judy Hall
- Julien Tondriau
- June Gutmanis
- Jurgen Thorwald
- Katherine Briggs
- Kathryn Paulsen
- Lady Sara Cunningham
- Lamech
- Leo Vinvo
- Leslie Gordon
- Lewis de Clairemont
- Lexa Roséan
- Liberty Hyde Bailey
- Lyle Saxon
- M Grieve
- M. A. Radford
- M. F. K. Fisher
- M. R. Cooper
- M. V. Devine
- Mahalalel
- Margaret Baker
- Margaret Boland
- Maria Leach
- Marth Beckwith
- Max Marwick
- Maymie Krythe
- Melvin R. Gilmore
- Methuselah
- Michael Best
- Michael Gienger
- Michael J. Harner
- Minnie Watson Kamm
- Morris Hickey Morgan
- Nicholas Culpeper
- Noah
- Norma Jean Lathrop
- P. J. Faulks
- Paul Beyerl
- Paul Huson
- Peter Haining
- Peter Thompkins
- Phillip Schmidt
- Phillipa Waring
- Pierre Derlon
- Platonicus Apuleius
- R. F. Fortune
- Ralph Griswold
- Reginald Scot
- Reinhard Brauns
- Richard Evans Schultes
- Richard Heffern
- Richard Mabey
- Robert Graves
- Robert Shosteck
- Robert W. Pelton
- Ruth Benedict
- Samuel Mathers
- Sandra Raphael
- Sayed Idries Shah
- Scott Cunningham
- Seth
- Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah
- Sybil Leek
- T. C. Fuller
- T. F. Thistleton-Dyer
- T. Gwynn Jones
- Theda Kenyon
- Tristram P Coffin
- Vance Randolph
- Victor Banis
- Vitruvius Pollio
- W H Blackwell
- W. B. Crow
- Wilfred Blunt
- William Coles
- William Emboden
- William J. Fielding
- drf
- gmd