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- Effect Type(s): mind, body, spirit
Associated Plants
- Acacia
- African Violet
- Agrimony
- Ague Root
- Aloe
- Althea
- Alyssum
- Amaranth
- American Black Elderberry
- American Ginseng
- Anemone
- Angelica
(3 sources agree) - Anise
(2 sources agree) - Arbutus
- Arnica
- Asafoetida
- Ash
- Bamboo
- Barley
- Basil
(2 sources agree) - Bay
(2 sources agree) - Bean
- Birch
- Bittersweet
- Black Cohosh
(2 sources agree) - Black Mustard
- Blackberry
- Bladderwrack
- Bloodroot
- Blueberry
- Bodhi
- Boneset
- Bracken
- Briony
- Bromeliad
- Broom
- Buckthorn
- Buckwheat
- Burdock
- Cactus
- Calamus
- Caraway
- Cardamom
- Carnation
- Carob
- Cascara Sagrada
- Castor
- Cedar
(4 sources agree) - Celandine
- Chrysanthemum
- Cinchona
- Cinnamon
(2 sources agree) - Cinquefoil
- Cleavers
- Clove
(3 sources agree) - Clover
- Club Moss
- Coconut
- Corn
- Cotton
- Cumin
- Curry
- Cyclamen
- Cypress
- Damask Rose
- Datura
- Devil's Bit
- Devil's Shoestring
- Dill
- Dogwood
- Dragon's Blood
- Ebony
- Echinacea
- Elecampane
- Eucalyptus
(2 sources agree) - Euphoria
- Fennel
(2 sources agree) - Fern
- Feverfew
- Figwort
(2 sources agree) - Flax
- Fleabane
- Foxglove
- Frankincense
(2 sources agree) - Galangal
- Garlic
(2 sources agree) - Geranium
(2 sources agree) - German Chamomile
- Gilead Balm
- Ginger
- Gorse
- Gourd
- Grain
- Grapefruit
- Grass
- Hazel
- Heather
- High John the Conqueror
- Holly
(2 sources agree) - Honeysuckle
- Horehound
- Houseleek
- Huckleberry
- Hyacinth
- Hyssop
- Irish Moss
- Ivy
- Jasmine
- Juniper
- Kava Kava
- Kelp
- Lady's Slipper
- Larch
- Larkspur
- Lavender
(2 sources agree) - Leek
- Lemongrass
- Lettuce
- Lilac
- Lily
- Lime
- Linden
- Liquidamber
- Loosestrife
- Lotus
- Lucky Hand
(2 sources agree) - Mallows
- Mandarin
- Mandrake
- Marigold
(2 sources agree) - Marjoram
- Masterwort
- Mimosa
- Mint
- Mistletoe
- Molucca
(2 sources agree) - Mugwort
(2 sources agree) - Mulberry
- Mullein
- Myrrh
(2 sources agree) - Neroli
- Nettle
- Norfolk Island Pine
- Oak
(2 sources agree) - Olive
- Onion
- Orange
- Orris
- Papaya
- Papyrus
- Parsley
- Patchouli
- Pennyroyal
- Peony
- Pepper
(3 sources agree) - Pepper Tree
- Peppermint
- Periwinkle
- Pilot Weed
- Pimpernel
- Pine
- Plantain
- Plum
- Primrose
- Purslane
- Quince
- Radish
- Ragwort
- Raspberry
- Rattlesnake Root
- Red Sandalwood
- Rhubarb
- Rice
- Roots
- Rose
- Rosemary
- Rowan
- Sage
- Sloe
- Snapdragon
- Solomon's Seal
- Southernwood
- Spanish Moss
- Squill
- St. John's Wort
- Tamarisk
- Thistle
- Ti
- Toadflax
- Tomato
- Tormentil
- Turnip
- Valerian
(2 sources agree) - Venus' Flytrap
- Vervain
- Vetiver
- Violet
- Waxplant
- White Sandalwood
- Willow
(2 sources agree) - Wintergreen
- Witch Hazel
- Wolf's Bane
(2 sources agree) - Wood Betony
(2 sources agree) - Woodruff
- Wormwood
- Yarrow
- Yerba Santa
- Yucca
Associated Crystals
- Achroite
- Agate
(2 sources agree) - Alexandrite
- Alum
- Amber
(2 sources agree) - Ametrine
- Ammolite
- Angelite
- Antimony
- Apache Tear
- Aquamarine
- Asbestos
- Astrophyllite
- Banded Agate
- Black Agate
- Black Sapphire
- Black Spinel
- Black Tourmaline
(3 sources agree) - Black Tourmaline Rod in Quartz
- Black Tourmaline With Lepidolite
- Black Tourmaline With Mica
- Black and White Agate
- Bloodstone
- Blue Tourmaline
- Boji Stones
(2 sources agree) - Bornite
- Brass
- Brilliant Turquoise Amazonite
- Bronzite
- Calcite
- Carnelian
(2 sources agree) - Cat's Eye
(2 sources agree) - Cavansite
- Chalcedony
(2 sources agree) - Chiastolite
- Chlorite
- Chrysoprase
- Citrine
- Clevelandite
- Conichalcite
- Copper
- Coral
- Diamond
- Dravide Tourmaline
- Elbaite
- Emerald
- Faden Quartz
- Fire Agate
- Fire Opal
- Flint
- Fluorite
- Fossil
- Garnet
(2 sources agree) - Gold
- Gray Banded With Botswana Agate
- Green Aventurine
- Green Tourmaline
- Halite
- Hematite
(2 sources agree) - Hematoid Calcite
- Hemimorphite
- Holey Stones
- Iron
- Jade
(2 sources agree) - Jasper
(2 sources agree) - Jet
- Kunzite
- Labradorite
- Lapis Lazuli
(2 sources agree) - Lava
- Lavender Violet Smithsonite
- Lead
- Leopardskin Jasper
- Lepidolite
- Limonite
- Lodestone
- Mahogany Obsidian
- Malachite
- Marble
- Mercury
- Meteorite
- Mica
- Mookaite Jasper
- Moonstone
- Mother-of-Pearl
- Mottled Jasper
- Obsidian
(2 sources agree) - Olivine
- Onyx
(2 sources agree) - Orange Calcite
- Ouro Verde Quartz
- Pearl
- Peridot
- Petrified Wood
- Pink Tourmaline
- Prehnite
- Pumice
- Purple Violet Tourmaline
- Pyrite
- Quartz
- Quartz With Sphalerite
- Rainbow Obsidian
- Red Jasper
- Red Tourmaline
(2 sources agree) - Red Zircon
- Ruby
(2 sources agree) - Rutilated Topaz
- Rutile With Hematite
- Salt
- Sard
- Sardonyx
(2 sources agree) - Selenite
- Seraphinite
- Serpentine
- Shattuckite
- Silver
- Smithsonite
- Smoky Amethyst
- Smoky Spirit Quartz
- Smoky quartz
- Staurolite
- Steel
- Stibnite
- Sulfur
- Sunshine Aura Quartz
- Sunstone
(2 sources agree) - Tiger's eye
(3 sources agree) - Topaz
- Tourmaline
(2 sources agree) - Tree Agate
- Turquoise
(3 sources agree) - White Sapphire
- Yellow Tourmaline
- Zeolite
- Zircon
(2 sources agree)