The Book of Enoch: An Antediluvian Account by Cosmos University 2023 book cover

The Book of Enoch

An Antediluvian Account

Cosmos University Contributors
CUPS Genre
  • Accounts
  • Channeled
Printed Format
6 x 9 in. Hardcover
Paper Type
Premium Color

The team at Cosmos University is pleased that you, the reader, have found this book.

We chose The Book of Enoch as our first venture into publishing because it stubbornly exists as one of the few claimed accounts of the antediluvian (pre-flood) world. While it may be an account that was preserved and slightly altered by whoever was telling it, the story it tells seems to universally appear in many religions, legends, and mythologies.

Cosmos University’s mission is to collect and convey information from vastly different perspectives and sources to provide an analysis of this data that takes into account a wider perspective. To us, The Book of Enoch is an important keystone in understanding our shared past - it provides a myopic yet thorough testimony from an outspoken individual that we gladly assessed and found worthy of inclusion into our publications library.

The translations contained within these pages were built from several millennia of handed down, copied, and potentially edited manuscripts - and if one is to believe the events listed within the book itself, it would age the stories contained within the book to no less than 10,000 years old.

While researching The Book of Enoch for our studies, we discovered that there were boundless amounts of theories and explanations as to what exactly this book’s original purpose was. Ranging from a discredited and therefore easily dismissed work of fiction to the retelling of the meddling of ancient aliens in mankind’s past. We felt that the majority of the explanations we found did not resonate with what we were seeing - which is the correlation of scientifically proven data to very specific information that Enoch was relaying in his writings. Things that the oldest manuscripts contained, things that they had no business containing.

Many questions emerged during our research, including the question of why this book was deemed non-canonical - effectively banning it from any serious theological discourse, and certainly excluding it from your local church’s Sunday sermons. Hence, our research into the council of Laodicea, a 4th century attempt led by a violent pope to shift the Catholic church into an authoritative, spiritually deprived institution contained by and married to the Roman State.

This council did not list the Book of Enoch in the acceptable canon (the first time a list of acceptable canon was assembled), therefore it was banned. Furthermore, this exact pope, and this exact shift amongst the church was seemingly predicted by Enoch in his writings. And we believe it is necessary to get information like this, and other information which emerges in our studies out into the public for a proper assessment of just how interesting this book is.

One may also overlook the accounts of the Heavenly Luminaries as a poetic and feeble attempt to describe the motions of the sun and the moon. Upon further investigation, if one were simply to do the math contained in the text, a spectacular bit of data emerges. Enoch was encoding a location - one which is far from the “Holy Land”, 45+ degrees away from the equator, and likely in the southern hemisphere. This alludes to a potential link to an ancient Freemason legend, in which Enoch preserved the collective knowledge and treasures of mankind from before the flood - somewhere in the world, in a fantastic vault, which has never been found.

While our team is open-minded, we tend to lean more into skepticism and rationality. This book is an enigma, it provokes questions as to how something so old could land dates and make reference to things that no-one could predict. Imagine writing a book today that accurately predicted the events happening in 12,023 AD, events which represented a major global shift away from one way of seeing the divine into another. The calculations we performed during our studies provide too many coincidences to simply dismiss these predictions as random, we hope this lends to enhancing the credibility of other accounts that Enoch thought were important to save for the ages.

We’ve made every attempt to convey all of things which we found interesting while assembling this book and we genuinely hope that if you, the reader, were to find any new emergent information that you would contact us to discuss it. Our publications library is interested in updating digital versions of this book and the others we plan to publish as new information is exposed to our team.

The Book of Enoch is a wonderfully poetic story, telling of a man (Enoch) who empathetically petitions his God on behalf of divine beings that had inhabited his world for hundreds of years. These beings (the Fallen Angels) had lost their connection to Heaven and Enoch received a plan from God which showed them a path to an eventual redemption for their crimes. What were their crimes? They are a mixture of “you should have known better” to “you were strictly forbidden from doing this” - The Fallen Angels provided mankind with a cornucopia of technology and they took wives that bore genetic Angelic/ Human hybrids. Great sins in the eyes of God.

This story continues from the times of these negotiations into several visions that Enoch had of the future - including that of a coming flood that would signify the end of his world and the beginning of a new one, where the Fallen Angels would have limited or no power and the offspring of their interference both technological and biological would be erased from the planet. The story concludes with a letter from Enoch to his progeny impressing how important the knowledge of his experiences were - and the book’s final scenes are an account of the arrival of his great grandson, Noah.

It is up to you, the reader, to remain open minded to understand that if we are to start believing the Book of Enoch we must keep close the age of the text and the age of the stories contained within it. It is our hope that you can find within these pages new thoughts, imagination, and an invigorated spirit of wonder for the ancient world.


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