The Book of Enoch: An Antediluvian Accountcount pdf, book, and epub The Book of Enoch: An Antediluvian Account pdf, book, and epub Background image of a supernova star.


The Cosmos University Publication System

The Cosmos University Publication System (CUPS) is a groundbreaking initiative designed to serve as a platform for the dissemination and preservation of knowledge across various realms of interest. We specialize in an extensive range of publications, from historical and esoteric books to cutting-edge research papers. We're not limited to just republishing existing works, we're also committed to creating our own contributions to these fields of study, ensuring a fresh, contemporary perspective alongside the wisdom of the past.

The heart of CUPS is its sophisticated categorization system, designed to accommodate the diverse interests of our broad audience. Each publication is classified under one or more of seven categories: Reference, Mythology, Instructional, Historical, Accounts, Magical, and Channeled. This ensures not only the systematic organization of a vast spectrum of knowledge but also ease of access for readers, allowing them to delve deeply into their chosen subjects. In essence, CUPS acts as a bridge, connecting curious minds with the knowledge they seek, be it centuries-old wisdom or cutting-edge research.


A Reference book in the CUPS library is a cornerstone of factual knowledge, serving as a repository of reliable, authoritative information or data. These texts are meticulously curated to ensure they offer an in-depth, comprehensive coverage of various disciplines, from astronomy to archaeology, from spirituality to mathematics. They are designed to offer easy accessibility to factual data, allowing readers to dip into the content for specific information or to peruse at length for a detailed understanding of a topic. Whether it's a comprehensive dictionary of esoteric symbols, a detailed atlas of the ancient world, or a systematic compilation of astrological lore, our Reference books are trusted guides to factual data.

Criteria for Inclusion
  • Contains accurate, reliable, and well-researched information.
  • Serves as a comprehensive guide to factual data or clarifies complex ideas in various disciplines.
  • Provides in-depth coverage of a particular subject, offering breadth and depth in its scope.
  • Designed for easy accessibility, allowing quick consultation and extended study.

Mythology books under CUPS open a window into the rich tapestry of human beliefs and narratives, offering readers a journey into the heart of various cultures and their understanding of the world and existence. They dive into the oceans of religious, cultural, and folkloric lore, from the pantheons of ancient civilizations to the complex metaphysical cosmologies of indigenous tribes. These texts dissect and interpret the symbolism, philosophy, and moral lessons embedded in these narratives, creating a bridge between the ancient and the modern, the known and the mystical.

Criteria for Inclusion
  • Contains stories, narratives, or accounts of myths, legends, or lore from diverse cultures or religions.
  • Provides a deep exploration of themes of cultural, spiritual, or societal significance.
  • Dissects and interprets the symbolism, moral lessons, or philosophical queries embedded within the myths.

Instructional books in the CUPS collection are designed to be guides, teachers, and mentors, providing step-by-step guidance and practical methodologies for specific tasks, knowledge areas, or skill sets. They cater to a wide range of interests, from how to interpret archaeological finds to methods for spiritual meditation, from techniques for stargazing to guides for deciphering ancient scripts. These books serve as companions in our readers' quest for learning, enabling them to gain expertise, enhance their skill set, and deepen their understanding of the world.

Criteria for Inclusion
  • Provides step-by-step guidance, methodologies, or instructional strategies.
  • Is centered around teaching a specific skill, technique, or area of knowledge.
  • Can serve as a standalone guide for self-learning or as a comprehensive manual for a particular task or field of study.

Historical books in CUPS offer time machines crafted from words, providing detailed and scholarly information about specific historical periods, events, or figures. They delve into the annals of human civilization, exploring the rise and fall of empires, the lives of influential figures, the evolution of cultural practices, and the development of scientific thought. These books are not mere recountings of the past but also provide nuanced analysis and contextual interpretation, helping readers to understand the present in light of the past.

Criteria for Inclusion
  • Provides detailed, well-researched information about historical periods, events, or figures.
  • Offers accurate and scholarly historical data, emphasizing the credibility and reliability of information.
  • Provides nuanced analysis or contextual interpretation of historical phenomena, tying the past to the present.

Books under the Accounts category in CUPS are like personal journals thrown open to the world. These are firsthand records or narratives of events, experiences, or phenomena, offering a unique, personal lens to view the world. These works could range from explorers' diaries recounting their encounters with unknown civilizations, to mystics describing their spiritual experiences, to researchers detailing their study of an obscure phenomenon. These accounts are original, authentic, and profoundly personal, offering readers a chance to see the world from a different perspective.

Criteria for Inclusion
  • Contains firsthand or eyewitness narratives or accounts of events or experiences.
  • Offers unique, personal insights or perspectives, bringing authenticity and originality to the content.
  • Narrates a direct account of a phenomenon, experience, or event, making the readers feel like they are part of the narrative.

Magical books in the CUPS collection beckon the reader into the shadowy realms of the mysterious and the mystical, delving into arcane knowledge, esoteric practices, and spiritual mysteries. They explore the fringes of human understanding, teasing out the threads of the supernatural, the metaphysical, and the magical. Whether it's a detailed exploration of alchemical symbols, a guide to divination practices, or a study of mystical philosophies, these books ignite the imagination and challenge the boundaries of human understanding.

Criteria for Inclusion
  • Explores mystical, esoteric, or arcane subjects, stretching the boundaries of conventional knowledge.
  • Provides detailed insight into spiritual or magical practices, beliefs, and theories.
  • Discusses the supernatural, the metaphysical, or the unexplained, inviting the reader to delve into the unknown.

Channeled books under CUPS are unique conduits of wisdom claimed to be received from non-human sources, such as spiritual entities, higher consciousness, or cosmic intelligence. They traverse the boundaries of the physical and the spiritual, the human and the divine, offering profound insights into life, existence, and beyond. Whether it's wisdom communicated from ancient spirits, cosmic laws transmitted from higher dimensions, or philosophical insights from higher states of consciousness, these books invite readers on a journey beyond the confines of physical reality.

Criteria for Inclusion
  • Contains information, wisdom, or insights claimed to be received from a non-human source or higher consciousness.
  • Explores themes of spiritual growth, metaphysical concepts, or cosmic wisdom.
  • Offers a unique perspective, pushing the boundaries of conventional knowledge and offering profound insights into existence and beyond.

The journey of every CUPS book begins with the essential task of selection. Our team, comprising of scholars and enthusiasts, embarks on the quest to identify books that hold the potential to satiate the intellectual curiosity of our readers. This process is conducted with a keen eye for detail, ensuring the selected books align with the educational and research-oriented ethos of Cosmos University.

Our selection strategy considers a variety of factors such as the relevancy of the book's subject matter, its potential to deepen our understanding of history, esotericism, mythology, and its resonance with our readers' interests. Every book chosen under this process signifies a new opportunity to explore, study, and illuminate a piece of knowledge in its full depth and breadth.

Initial Read

In the second step, the selected book is thoroughly read by our team of experts. This reading process is more than just flipping through pages; it's an immersive exploration of the text. The team dives into the depths of the content, absorbing the knowledge, understanding the author's perspective, and examining the cultural and philosophical implications.

Our approach to reading goes beyond the surface, as we strive to apprehend the nuances, context, and intricacies of the text. By fully understanding the original content, we lay a solid foundation for the subsequent steps in our book creation process, ensuring an accurate and insightful reproduction of the work.

Dissection and Study

Upon embarking on the third stage of our process, we transition to a more meticulous and analytical approach, meticulously dissecting and studying the chosen book. This involves peeling back the layers of the text, examining each word, each phrase, and each translated piece. No element is too minor for our inspection; every component can serve as a key to deeper understanding. Our study is not confined to the visible surface. We delve into the text's depths, looking beyond what's explicit and seeking what's implicit. This might be hidden meanings, concealed messages, or indirect references. By viewing the text from various angles and through different interpretative lenses, we uncover a wealth of information that can significantly augment the richness of the original work.

Simultaneously, we incorporate supplementary resources that can provide additional insights, counterpoints, or corroborative facts. Whether it's aligning our findings with historical evidence, comparing translations, or examining contemporary scholarly commentary, our aim is to create a well-rounded, in-depth analysis of the text. This step ensures our ultimate publication offers a broader, enriched perspective that goes beyond the boundaries of the original work.


Once the book has been studied, we move to the process of datafication. This involves converting the dissected components of the book into data points, ready to be stored in the Cosmos University databanks. Every fact, every insight, and every element is carefully encoded, forming a detailed and organized digital database.

This step is pivotal, as it allows us to create a rich, searchable resource of knowledge. By converting the content into data points, we ensure that the wisdom gleaned from the book can be easily accessed, cross-referenced, and utilized for future research and publications.

Design and Development

With a wealth of information now at our fingertips, we initiate the development of the new book. This phase involves designing, writing, and refining the work, transforming it into a visually appealing and intellectually stimulating publication. Our team of writers, designers, and editors collaborate closely, blending their skills to create a book that is both engaging and enlightening.

We incorporate our additional studies and insights, weaving them seamlessly into the narrative. This enriched content provides contemporary perspectives and fresh insights, further illuminating the text for today's readers and making it relevant for the current times.


The concluding phase of our process is the publication of the new book. Having gone through a rigorous cycle of selection, reading, analysis, datafication, and development, the final product is now ready to see the light of day. This step marks the culmination of a meticulous process and the beginning of a new journey for the book in the hands of our readers. We release our books across a multitude of platforms and formats, ensuring that they are readily accessible to all knowledge seekers. As we believe in making information and knowledge universally available, we take great care in ensuring that our works reach as many readers as possible.

After the publication, our work continues in the form of monitoring and analysis. We value the feedback and insights we receive from our readers. These comments and critiques become a part of our learning curve, helping us to continuously refine our process and improve our future publications. The publication phase, therefore, is both an ending and a beginning in our pursuit of sharing knowledge.

Cosmos University headline image featuring beautiful half-lit high resolution photo of Luna with night sky.
We support esoteric
research so that humanity
better understands
magic, knowledge and faith
We support esoteric
research so that humanity
better understands
magic, knowledge and faith
We support esoteric
research so that humanity
better understands
magic, knowledge and faith
At Cosmos University, we view esoteric research as a key to unlocking profound truths about magic, knowledge, and faith. This exploration allows us to dive into untapped depths of understanding, building bridges across different cultures and philosophical traditions. More than just an intellectual pursuit, we believe this journey can lead us toward a more enlightened existence. As part of our commitment to this mission, a significant portion of our net profits—specifically a third—is dedicated to supporting ongoing and future research. Every Cosmos University publication, therefore, is more than a book—it's a contribution to a grander cause, fostering an enriching cycle of discovery, knowledge, and enlightenment.
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Select your path(s)
Across the vast expanse of time and space, the universe presents infinite pathways, each paved with potential and brimming with the promise of discovery. Your journey within this cosmos is a unique odyssey, an individual dance with destiny awaiting your first step.

Beside you, a kaleidoscope of options lies in wait, a cosmic constellation not of stars, but of paths ready to be traversed. Each selection represents a distinct way to interact with the universe, an opportunity to contribute to our collective understanding and to influence the greater narrative of existence.

In this celestial tableau, every choice echoes with the potential for discovery, for connection, and for personal growth. This is your moment, a personal invitation to engage with the universe in a way that resonates with you.

This is more than a call to action—it's a dance with destiny. Sculpt your voyage across the cosmic seas, compose your own symphony amidst the grand orchestra of existence. Your path awaits, ready for you to take that leap and let the journey begin.
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