Operational Programs

We choose to disclose

In the ever-expanding cosmos of human understanding, countless ventures embark on quests of enlightenment, often preferring the quiet solitude of their own spaces, their discoveries sequestered from the wider world. The roots of esoteric and occult knowledge weave a tapestry of private progress, its secrets safeguarded by a select few. But we have charted a different course. We choose the path of disclosure.

Our commitment to transparency does not merely spring from a sense of obligation; it emanates from a conviction that the discoveries we pioneer should be a shared treasure of humanity. This is not a matter of choice, but a matter of principle. Like celestial bodies scattered across the cosmos, we believe in shedding light, not obscuring it.

The journey we embark upon navigates through the misty realms of the past and the obscure alleyways of the present to illuminate a future full of potential. A future where ventures like ours not only exist but thrive. A future where the truths we unearth are not sealed away in a vault of permanent classification, but rather, laid out under the bright light of scrutiny, for all to see, for all to learn from.

Our mission, ordained by our visionary board, is not just to advance technology but to enhance humanity itself. We strive to unravel the riddles of the past, reestablish lost connections in the labyrinth of time, trace the origin of our species, and comprehend the underpinnings of phenomena often dismissed as "magic." We seek not to mystify, but to demystify, not to bewilder, but to enlighten. We believe that a single spark of truth can illuminate the darkest of information mires.

At its core, our disclosure philosophy stems from a deep-seated belief that knowledge is the key to progress. And it's not merely progress for a select few, but for the whole of humanity. Our enterprise is far from a vault of cryptic knowledge or a cult draped in enigma. Rather, it is the dawn of a new kind of mystery school, one that thrives on openness and inclusivity. We stand not as gatekeepers, but as guides, refuting the idea that knowledge should be locked behind doors.

Unlike the monolithic religious institutions of old, we see no wisdom in cloaking parts of our shared history. We insist that the entirety of the narrative must be laid bare. Only then can we pave the way towards a future forged in the crucible of truth, a future where each new revelation, each new discovery, propels us all forward. We are not merely spectators to progress. We are its active participants. We choose to disclose because in the grand theatre of human advancement, every voice matters, every eye sees, and every mind understands.

If you are an operator or organization wishing to discuss these projects or programs with us, please contact od_protocol@cosmos.university

Current Programs

In Pursuit of Progress: Discover Our Current Programs, Reflect on the Resources We've Committed, and Understand the Driving Forces Behind Our Ongoing Initiatives.

Program heading image for DATA
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the DatabanksDATA
Preserving the past, Connecting the future

In the grand expanse of our collective consciousness, lies a vast universe of information waiting to be discovered, analyzed, and cherished. Like interstellar voyagers mapping uncharted galaxies, we have embarked on an ambitious journey to collect, preserve, and elucidate the disparate narratives of humanity's past and present. The vehicle we've engineered for this expedition is a uniquely architected, proprietary hybrid-cloud software known as the Databanks.

Imagine, if you will, a cosmic library holding every piece of knowledge, every narrative, every subtle connection that binds the seemingly random elements of our history and culture. The Databanks perform this function, bridging the gap between myth and history, between data and interpretation.


While the noble endeavor of creating such a vast reservoir of knowledge might seem inherently priceless, it is also an enterprise with substantial economic potential. The Databanks are more than just a software; they represent an opportunity, a valuable resource that is both available to all, yet capable of generating meaningful revenue.

Our strategy is to make the core data of the Databanks publicly available in a read-only format, allowing the insatiably curious minds across the globe unrestricted access to this treasury of information. Yet, for those wishing to delve deeper, to harness the power of our interconnected insights, we offer a licensing opportunity. Through this, our partners can access the "calculated data" – the rich tapestry of connections and conclusions we've drawn from numerous sources.

Furthermore, the Databanks inspire creativity within our own ranks. From the depths of its databanks, we create artwork that embodies the beauty and complexity of our shared narrative. These tangible expressions of knowledge can be purchased, adding an additional revenue stream while the digital incarnations remain freely accessible.


The impact of the Databanks on humanity is as profound as the stars in the cosmos that those of the past so passionately admired. We stand on the precipice of a new understanding, a fresh perspective on the intricate labyrinth of our history, mythology, and knowledge.

By meticulously archiving, linking, and interpreting data, we illuminate paths between pieces of knowledge that were previously shrouded in mystery. We make sense of the myths, we find connections in the apparently unrelated, and we provide a source for wisdom that is both ancient and contemporary.

In doing so, we create an everlasting gift for future generations, a compass guiding them through the intertwined pathways of human knowledge. The Databanks, therefore, are more than just a technological marvel or an economic enterprise, they are a beacon of enlightenment, inspiring a sense of awe and wonder akin to looking up at a star-studded sky on a clear night.

LastData Foundational models
CurrentData Sprawling Subject Acquisition
NextVisualization Upgrade Level 2
Program Goals
  • 100% of Public Domain esoteric and occult works cataloged for analysis
  • 100% interconnectivity between adjacent research nodes
  • Model coverage for any / all types of data
  • Redundant physical archive
Key Activities
  • Source material procurement
  • Conversion of source material to data
  • Finding connections through source materials
  • Expanding and amplifying records
Technologies Utilized
Airtable, HTML / CSS, Javascript, Ruby, SVG, Static Site Generation
Artificial Intelligence, Cosmology, Curation, Data Entry, Database Management, Etymology, History, Illustration, Information Design, Mythology, Network Science, Photography, Research, Software Engineering, System Architecture
Enter the Databanks
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Publications DivisionCUPS
Amplifying the transmission of knowledge

Within the celestial body of our operations, lies the heart of our voyage into the vast cosmos of knowledge – the Publications Division. Envision it as a prolific star, ceaselessly radiating energy in the form of books, scientific papers, experiential accounts, and more. This division works harmoniously with the rest of our ecosystem, transforming the wisdom within our Databanks into tangible, physical manifestations.

The goal is grand, yet so intrinsically human - to publish the world's collective ancient tomes, sacred scriptures, and long-forgotten tales. From the ethereal verses of the Book of Enoch to the profound narratives of Hindu holy books, from the cryptic Sumerian stories to countless others yet to be dusted off from the shelves of antiquity.


Creating these intellectual masterpieces is a sophisticated dance of both art and commerce. Each tome is not merely a vessel of ancient knowledge, but a carefully crafted piece of artwork. The meticulous design, vibrant illustrations, intricate layouts, and painstakingly researched diagrams all serve to breathe life into the narratives, transforming the reading experience into a mesmerizing journey through time.

Financial sustainability for the Publications Division is achieved through the sale of these physical books, articles, and other printed works. Each purchase, thus, serves a dual purpose. It not only contributes to the preservation and widespread dissemination of our collective wisdom, but it also fuels further exploration and growth within our expansive Databanks.

However, the true essence of our mission goes beyond the tangible. It resides in the commitment to democratize access to knowledge. That's why, in addition to our physical publications, we provide digital versions of most of our works free of charge. We believe that while the purchase of our premium physical books supports our cause, the wisdom within should be as freely accessible as the stars in the cosmos, inviting every curious mind to embark on their personal journey of enlightenment.


The impact of our Publications Division reaches beyond the realms of economics and aesthetics. It resonates profoundly with our deeper purpose of educating, enlightening, and inspiring the collective consciousness of humanity.

Each publication comes enhanced with the power of our Databanks. Imagine reading the Book of Enoch and having instant access to a wealth of related information, from the lore of each named angel to the symbolic significance of an Eagle or the tale of Noah. This is precisely the companion experience we aim to provide, immersing the reader in an enriched knowledge environment.

We hold steadfast to our mission of not only preserving these sacred texts but also discovering the elusive threads of commonality that bind them together. From the esoteric to the occult, from the magical to the traditionally sacred, our publications seek to illuminate the deep, interconnected web of humanity's rich literary heritage. In the process, we fuel the ongoing quest for understanding, and ensure that the whispers of ancient wisdom continue to echo through the corridors of time.

LastPublication of first book
CurrentCUPS scaling
NextRapid book deployment schedule
Program Goals
  • Weekly Publication
  • Entirety of known scripture inside of our library
  • High-quality standards of publication
Key Activities
  • Accurate presentation of material
  • Assimilation of modern scientific knowledge
  • Studies of esoteric materials
Technologies Utilized
Adobe InDesign, Airtable, XML
Desktop Publishing, Graphic Design, Information Design, Journalism, Layout Design, Literature, Photography
Access our Publications
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Network BuildingMITRA
Connecting for a Cause

At the heart of Cosmos University, resides our Network Building program, a vibrant and dynamic initiative that aims to foster face-to-face connections with a vast spectrum of individuals and entities. The program is a celebration of open dialogue, transparency, and inclusivity, guided by a firm belief that knowledge, especially of the esoteric kind, should be shared rather than sequestered. We strive to combat the age-old tradition of obscuring occult information by actively seeking and engaging in public discussions and collaborative efforts. This initiative can be best described as a platform that catalyzes a global discourse on the intersection of research, esoteric information, and the enigma of human consciousness. Our primary focus is to create a seamless mesh of dialogue, research, and exploration, reaching out to a wide array of professionals, scholars, enthusiasts, and simply curious minds who are drawn to our cosmic conundrum.


The Network Building program is constructed on a foundation of accessibility and mobility. We maintain an open-door policy, welcoming discussions, and fostering connections, which often find us journeying across the globe to engage with those who share our fervor. Our presence at international conferences and symposiums is not just a statement of our dedication but also an opportunity for potential collaborators and thinkers to converge. We visualize this program as a cross-pollination of ideas, where each meeting, each dialogue, is a seed for fresh perspectives. This initiative is also a catalyst for hosting a series of national and local events, creating an atmosphere conducive to knowledge exchange. The plans are already set in motion, and we are eagerly exploring opportunities to expand our reach, possibly leading to the formation of diverse communities and memberships.


Our Network Building program is not just a testament to our commitment to knowledge exchange, but also an engine that drives our outreach. We are invested in building a global community that respects, values, and actively contributes to an understanding of anomalous phenomena and potentially revolutionary historical interpretations. This proactive engagement not only diversifies our understanding but also brings credibility to these often overlooked aspects of human experience. By fostering these connections, we are sowing the seeds for a paradigm shift in our collective understanding of the universe and our place within it. The program holds the promise of an enlightening journey for all involved, transforming the way we approach, perceive, and engage with the vast mysteries of our cosmos.

LastIntention Setting
CurrentActive Encounters
NextNetwork System Planning
Program Goals
  • Attend all major conferences and events related to Esotericism
  • Establish relationships with individuals
  • Design ways for individuals to connect and work together
Key Activities
  • Attending Events
  • Curating Relationships
  • Planning Events
Network Science, Public Relations
Forge a connection, today
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Experiencer ServicesECHO
A Sanctuary for Anomalous Narratives

In the cosmic tapestry of existence, there are threads that elude traditional explanation, fibers woven from experiences that remain enigmatic, defying ordinary understanding. This is where our mission finds its purpose. We delve into the unknown, exploring the profound mysteries of our universe through the narratives of individuals who have experienced these anomalous phenomena firsthand.

Our modus operandi is rooted in respect, scientific curiosity, and a sincere desire to understand, akin to the careful, tireless work of an archaeologist unearthing ancient secrets. To ensure we can reach as many experiencers as possible, we have established a dedicated line of communication - a hotline that stands ready to receive their incredible accounts.

Like a lighthouse in a tumultuous sea of skepticism and disbelief, our hotline signals a beacon of acceptance and understanding. Here, no tale is too fantastical, no experience too improbable. We stand ready, eager to believe and committed to investigating these intriguing phenomena, all in our quest to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos.


We perceive a chasm within the landscape of truth-seeking. Just as stars shine brighter in the depth of the night, these personal narratives - experiences with spectral apparitions, cryptic entities, precognitive visions, encounters of the third kind, and even brushes with death - illuminate the canvas of our collective understanding. However, their light often dims, as many of these tales remain untold or underreported. We wish to change that.

Our model of operation aligns with this vision. We offer our investigatory expertise to the experiencers free of charge, treating every interaction as a privilege, an opportunity to unravel the mysteries of existence. But how do we fund these endeavors, one might ask? Our path to fiscal sustainability lies in the power of the stories themselves.

We help experiencers navigate the maze of their experiences, channeling their narratives through a variety of formats such as documentaries, dossiers, and in-depth reports. Then, we function as a conduit, connecting these experiencers to entities that share a vested interest in their stories - be it governments, private corporations, or inquisitive individuals. And in these connections, there is potential for mutually beneficial partnerships, fueling our quest for knowledge while providing monetary support to our operations and the experiencers.


These accounts are more than just isolated incidents. They are scattered pieces of an ever-unfolding puzzle, fragments of a bigger picture that we are just beginning to glimpse. In each tale of an unexplained occurrence, a time anomaly, a psychic phenomenon, a miraculous healing or a past life recollection, we find a potential catalyst for a transformative shift in our understanding of the cosmos.

Preserving and transmitting these experiences to the world is an undertaking as profound as it is critical. For if humanity is to move forward, we must be open to all sources of knowledge, especially those that originate from the shadowy realms of the unexplained. The preservation and dissemination of these extraordinary experiences could lead to profound revelations about our existence, shaking the foundations of our understanding, and catapulting us into a new epoch of enlightenment.

In embracing this mission, we hope to not only shed light on these phenomena but also spark a renaissance of curiosity, a renewed passion for discovery, and a deeper, more nuanced comprehension of our place within the grand cosmic theater. And in this endeavor, we continue the timeless human tradition of reaching for the stars, ever eager to understand the universe and our place within it.

LastStudy Development
CurrentExperiencer Intake
NextScaled Support Systems
Program Goals
  • 24-hour report-to-reply turnaround
  • Extensive investigation of cases
  • Thorough documentation of experiences
Key Activities
  • Interviewing individuals
  • Experiments designed around environment and human experience
  • Cataloging of experiences
Journalism, Parapsychology
Contact the Experiencer Hotline
Program heading image for COSMOS_1
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Cosmic CalculatorCOSMOS_1
Understanding Cosmic Influences

In an age of boundless discovery and technological advancement, we find ourselves reaching back into antiquity for wisdom. A splendid marriage of these two realms, old and new, is what our collaboration with Spirit Radio has led us to – the birth of the Cosmic Calculator program. This program is our humble attempt to stand at the intersection of cosmic wonder and human curiosity, marrying the ancient understanding of celestial bodies' impact on our lives with the modern capability of observing these astronomical phenomena in real time.

It’s a digital solution for a timeless quest - understanding the invisible forces that guide us. Like a weaver at a cosmic loom, the Cosmic Calculator intertwines threads of data to reveal patterns that may be affecting our daily lives. Its purpose, ever-evolving, is not just about mapping the physical universe, but also the interstellar impact on our spiritual and emotional landscape.


The Cosmic Calculator, with its profound purpose, plans to sustain itself through a modest subscription model, democratizing access to a deeper understanding of our universe and our place within it. It's an investment in knowledge, an open invitation to all who wish to delve into the mysteries of the cosmos and their effects on humanity.

We believe that a tool as enlightening as the Cosmic Calculator should not be hidden behind insurmountable financial walls but made available to those yearning for knowledge. Its success will not just be measured by the revenue it generates but by the countless minds it will inspire and the insights it will provide.


Imagine, for a moment, if we could weave a narrative of our daily lives using the stars and planets, understanding the lunar effects on our moods, or correlating the planets' positions to our energy levels. This isn't a call back to superstition, but an invitation to explore the interconnectedness of our universe in an entirely new light. The Cosmic Calculator's goal is to provide a cosmic-spiritual-energy weather report, if you will.

As we expand our digital observatory, we plan to venture beyond the gravitational pull of our Sun. We aim to harness data on cosmic phenomena, like Schumann resonances, magnetic fields, gravity waves, and more, to build a holistic understanding of our relationship with the cosmos. This exploration is not merely academic. We believe that this knowledge has the potential to transform our worldviews, our societies, and ultimately, the trajectory of humanity itself.

By focusing on both individual and group effects, we aspire to unearth the symphony of the cosmos and its harmonies that resonate within us. It is not just about observing the cosmos, but understanding how it observes us, subtly influencing our lives in ways we're only beginning to comprehend. We stand on the brink of a new era of cosmic understanding, ready to dive into the vast cosmic ocean, and invite you to join us on this exciting journey.

LastPrototype Deployment
CurrentPlanning Level 2
NextDesign Level 2
Program Goals
  • Multiple represented models
  • Customizable user experience
Key Activities
  • Development of new features
  • Web application maintainence
Technologies Utilized
HTML / CSS, Javascript, SVG
Astrology, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Information Design, Mathematics, Optics, Software Engineering
See the Cosmic Calculator
Program heading image for LL101
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An Incubator of Wisdom and Creativity

Nestled within the vibrant tapestry of our operations located in Jacksonville, Florida is the Astrolounge, a physical sanctuary that hums with the rhythms of our collective intellectual exploration. It is both a haven of tranquility and a dynamic hub of activity, where the quest for understanding often swells into a crescendo of creativity.

Crafted with a meticulous eye for aesthetics and comfort, the Astrolounge carries an air of sleek elegance that entices the mind and soothes the spirit. The thoughtful design of the space pays homage to the intellectual and creative endeavors that breathe life into it. From the carefully curated furniture to the purposefully treated walls, each element works harmoniously to foster an environment that nurtures inquiry and imagination.


The Astrolounge presents a fusion of resources, designed to ignite curiosity and foster exploration. Its scientific gear, complete with microscopes, EMF meters, and energy generators, beckons the budding researcher in every visitor, offering an invitation to probe the mysteries of the physical world.

Alongside the scientific apparatus, the Astrolounge houses an esoteric library, a labyrinth of knowledge that meanders from the realms of science to spirituality, and ventures into the expressive world of art. Its shelves cradle rare and intriguing books, some offering spiritual wisdom that has transcended millennia, others revealing the intricate beauty of scientific thought, and still more exploring the rich tapestry of human creativity through art.


At the heart of the Astrolounge, beneath its array of resources and within its welcoming ambiance, lies its true essence: a platform for dynamic, enlightening conversations. Here, within these walls, we entertain the perennial question, "What if?" This simple query serves as the catalyst for boundless brainstorming, igniting sparks of imagination and setting the stage for the birth of unique ideas.

The Astrolounge is not merely a place to visit, but a journey to embark upon. It's a space where individuals can bring their own queries about the universe, seek guidance, and walk away with not just answers, but also a path to explore further. The impact of this humble space extends far beyond its physical boundaries, enabling the cultivation of new knowledge and empowering every visitor with a deeper understanding of our shared cosmos. Here, we manifest our vision of science being not just for the erudite few, but for all curious souls yearning to unravel the mysteries of existence.

Program Goals
  • Weekly facility access to the public
  • Extensive library of books
  • Extensive selection of tools
  • Comprehensive materia availability
Key Activities
  • Topic Expansion
  • Idea Development
  • Experimental Design
Carpentry, Electronics, Interior Design, System Architecture
Schedule a visit

Public Proposals

Together Towards Tomorrow: Cast Your Vote on Proposed Projects and Play a Vital Role in Crafting Our Collective Destiny.

Advanced FacilitiesAFAC
Research tools and environments for all situations

In the pursuit of discovery and innovation, the right tools and environment can make all the difference. Our program is dedicated to providing such a space: a state-of-the-art research facility equipped with the latest technologies. We aim to create an environment that fosters exploration, learning, and breakthroughs.

In these facilities, ideas are nurtured, and potential is unlocked. By creating spaces conducive to research, we empower individuals to take their ideas from conception to reality.

Experience the power of possibility with us, and take your research endeavors to new heights.

Program Goals
  • Establish state-of-the-art research facilities
  • Monetize through partnerships, facility rentals, and collaborative projects
  • Impact scientific communities with cutting-edge research environments
  • Achieve operational efficiency and sustainability in facility management
  • Foster a culture of exploration and learning
  • Collaborate with research institutions and organizations globally
  • Expand accessibility to facilities through partnerships and programs
  • Uphold safety and ethical standards in all facilities
  • Continuously improve facilities based on user feedback and research
  • Inspire breakthroughs and discoveries in various research fields
Carpentry, Construction, Interior Design, Research
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Advanced TechnologiesATEK
Development of exotic technology

Harnessing the potential of technology, we venture into the realm of the unknown, pushing the boundaries of conventional wisdom. Our focus on the development and exploration of advanced technologies signals our commitment to innovation, a beacon illuminating uncharted territories of the technological world. We strive to turn science fiction into reality, creating a future that transcends the limitations of the present.

Innovation drives progress, and the relentless pursuit of the extraordinary fuels our vision for the future. Through the creation of novel technologies, we are laying the foundation for a future that redefines the boundaries of the possible.

Join us as we push the boundaries and venture into the realm of the extraordinary.

Program Goals
  • Push the boundaries of technological development and innovation
  • Monetize through patents, partnerships, and technology licensing
  • Impact industries globally with novel technological solutions
  • Achieve operational efficiency in research and development processes
  • Uphold ethical standards in the development and application of technology
  • Collaborate with leading technology institutions and organizations
  • Foster a culture of continuous innovation and exploration
  • Prioritize sustainability and social responsibility in all technology projects
  • Increase accessibility of advanced technologies
  • Inspire the next generation of tech innovators
Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, System Engineering
Program heading image for ATEK
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Advisory ServicesPLAN
Customized business and industry guidance

In the rapidly changing landscape of global commerce, adaptability and forward-thinking are key. Our specialized consulting program is designed to navigate this landscape effectively, providing tailored business and industry guidance. With a team of experts at the helm, we offer insights and strategies to help businesses thrive amidst change and uncertainty.

We understand that every business has unique needs and challenges, which is why our approach is highly customized. By providing guidance tailored to specific situations and industries, we empower businesses to not only adapt but to thrive amidst change.

Take the leap towards success with us, and let us guide your business towards a prosperous future.

Program Goals
  • Provide tailored business and industry guidance
  • Monetize through consulting fees, partnerships, and service packages
  • Impact businesses and industries globally with insightful strategies
  • Achieve operational efficiency in service delivery
  • Foster a culture of adaptability and forward-thinking in business
  • Collaborate with industry leaders and experts
  • Expand service reach through digital platforms and global partnerships
  • Uphold ethical standards in all consulting practices
  • Continuously update service offerings based on market trends
  • Inspire businesses to embrace change and innovate
Executive Strategy, System Engineering
Program heading image for PLAN
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Career GuidancePATH
Guidance for the roles of new emerging economies

Navigating the professional world in emerging economies can often seem like venturing into the unknown. With new roles and industries emerging, finding the right path can be a daunting task. Our program is designed to guide individuals through this process, helping them carve out a fulfilling career in these evolving landscapes.

Understanding the evolving job market is key to navigating it successfully. With our insights and guidance, individuals are empowered to identify opportunities and shape their career trajectory in line with the roles of new emerging economies.

Let us guide your professional journey, and shape your career for the future.

Program Goals
  • Provide insightful guidance for careers in emerging economies
  • Monetize through consultation fees, partnerships, and sponsored programs
  • Impact individuals globally with career pathing strategies
  • Achieve operational efficiency in service delivery
  • Foster a culture of lifelong learning and career adaptability
  • Collaborate with industry experts and institutions
  • Expand service reach through digital platforms and global partnerships
  • Uphold ethical standards in all career guidance practices
  • Continuously update services based on market trends and demands
  • Inspire individuals to carve out fulfilling careers in new economic landscapes
Human Resources
Program heading image for PATH
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Educational TechnologyEDTEK
Topics and techniques for a new world

In an era marked by technological advancement and the digitization of numerous aspects of life, the importance of navigating this evolving landscape effectively cannot be overstated. Through innovative methodologies and cutting-edge technology, we aim to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to thrive in this new world. The program is a beacon for lifelong learners, illuminating the path towards the future of education.

In a world where change is the only constant, remaining adaptable and up-to-date with the latest developments is crucial. By equipping individuals with relevant skills and knowledge, we not only contribute to personal growth but also foster a technologically competent society.

Step into the future of learning with us, and empower yourself to be an active contributor to the digital era.

Program Goals
  • Develop innovative educational technologies and methodologies
  • Promote lifelong learning and adaptability to new tech trends
  • Monetize through subscription-based services, partnerships, and certifications
  • Achieve global reach through online platforms and collaborations
  • Empower individuals and communities with relevant tech skills
  • Ensure sustainable practices in technology development and deployment
  • Foster a culture of digital competency and resilience
  • Collaborate with educators and technologists worldwide
  • Continuously update and improve offerings based on user feedback
  • Inspire a paradigm shift in traditional educational approaches
Instructional Design, Instructional Technology, Software Engineering
Program heading image for EDTEK
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Informative MediaDOCU
Transmitting truth

In a world saturated with information, we strive to be a beacon of truth. Through a diverse range of media formats, our goal is to disseminate facts, to enlighten and inform. Our commitment is to honest, unbiased reporting, creating a reliable source of information that can guide public discourse and understanding.

An informed society is an empowered society, and we believe in the transformative power of truth. Our media content is designed to illuminate, to reveal reality in all its complexity.

Be a part of our quest for truth, and help us build an enlightened and informed society.

Program Goals
  • Produce high-quality, reliable, and informative media content
  • Monetize through advertisements, sponsorships, and content sales
  • Reach diverse audiences globally through various media platforms
  • Impact societal discourse through fact-based reporting
  • Establish a sustainable operation model in media production
  • Foster a culture of critical media consumption
  • Collaborate with other media entities to maximize reach
  • Uphold journalistic integrity in all media productions
  • Continuously improve content based on audience feedback
  • Inspire public engagement and informed conversation
Information Design, Research
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Investigative ReportsDEFINE
Deeply exploring unique events and artifacts

Representing our commitment to rigorous research and insightful analysis. Focused on the examination of unique events and artifacts, this journalistic initiative seeks to dig beneath the surface, offering a comprehensive understanding of the subjects at hand. Each report is a culmination of meticulous research, robust investigation, and an unyielding pursuit of the truth.

By peeling back the layers and investigating the intricate details, we aim to unveil the stories hidden beneath the surface. Our objective is not merely to recount events but to analyze them, to present a multifaceted perspective that enlightens and informs.

Join us as we delve into the depths of these extraordinary occurrences and artifacts, and help us unravel the stories they have to tell.

Program Goals
  • Provide a platform for rigorous research and deep analysis
  • Cultivate public trust through unbiased reporting
  • Monetize through syndication, subscriptions, and licensing
  • Reach a wide audience through multiple distribution channels
  • Enhance societal understanding and awareness of complex issues
  • Foster transparency and accountability in reporting
  • Achieve operational efficiency in information gathering and analysis
  • Uphold the highest journalistic standards in each investigation
  • Encourage public discourse on the subjects covered
  • Foster collaborations with investigative journalists and organizations
Communications, Expository Writing, Journalism
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Large-Scale StudiesSCIXL
Proving or disproving phenomena

Understanding our world often requires looking beyond individual experiences and delving into collective phenomena. Our program is dedicated to this task, organizing large-scale studies and experiments that aim to prove or disprove various phenomena. Through scientific rigor and a commitment to truth, we strive to deepen our collective understanding of the world around us.

By embarking on these large-scale studies, we create opportunities to challenge existing narratives and explore new ideas. With your participation, we can discover new truths and further our collective understanding.

Contribute to the expansion of our collective knowledge, and join us in our pursuit of truth.

Program Goals
  • Conduct large-scale studies and experiments to understand collective phenomena
  • Monetize through research grants, partnerships, and publication of findings
  • Impact societal understanding and policies with research results
  • Achieve operational efficiency and ethical standards in study design and implementation
  • Foster a culture of scientific rigor and open-minded exploration
  • Collaborate with research institutions and organizations globally
  • Expand study reach and impact through various dissemination channels
  • Uphold ethical and scientific integrity in all research activities
  • Continuously improve study methodologies based on feedback and findings
  • Inspire public engagement and understanding of complex phenomena
Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Cognitive Psychology, Data Analysis, Neuroscience, Parapsychology, Psychology, Research, Statistics
Program heading image for SCIXL
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Private ManufacturingPMFG
High-quality creating of goods

Striving for perfection in creation, we are setting new standards in the field of private manufacturing. Our objective is to harness the best practices, modern technologies, and ethical standards to produce goods of high quality. Through meticulous processes and attention to detail, we work towards achieving excellence in production.

In our endeavor, we embrace the principles of efficiency, quality, and sustainability. By focusing on these key areas, we are able to maintain the integrity of our products while minimizing environmental impact.

Experience the integrity of craftsmanship with us, and contribute to a production culture that values quality and sustainability.

Program Goals
  • Manufacture high-quality goods with attention to detail
  • Monetize through sales, partnerships, and licensing
  • Impact industries with superior manufacturing standards
  • Achieve operational efficiency and sustainability in production processes
  • Foster a culture of craftsmanship and innovation
  • Collaborate with other manufacturers and industry experts
  • Expand market reach through various distribution channels
  • Uphold ethical and environmental standards in all operations
  • Continuously improve processes based on feedback and research
  • Inspire a new standard in private manufacturing
Electrical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Supply Chain Management
Program heading image for PMFG
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Public InterviewsPUBINT
Conversations around the nature of reality

An innovative program that provides a platform for thoughtful discourse surrounding the concept of reality. Our primary aim is to stir intellectual curiosity, promote diversity of thought, and ignite stimulating conversations around this subject matter. We believe that in each dialogue lies the potential for new insights and a broader understanding of the complexities that define our existence.

Engaging a diverse range of perspectives, we strive to foster a culture of open-mindedness and intellectual growth. Through these exchanges, we hope to unravel the intricate tapestry of reality, one conversation at a time.

We invite you to be part of these riveting discussions, to challenge, be challenged, and to explore the myriad perspectives that shape our understanding of reality.

Program Goals
  • Promote intellectual discourse and expand public understanding of reality
  • Encourage diversity of thought and perspective
  • Reach a global audience through various media platforms
  • Monetize through sponsorships, partnerships, and donations
  • Inspire a culture of curiosity and questioning
  • Achieve sustainable operation through scalable practices
  • Enhance the public's critical thinking skills
  • Develop partnerships with academic and research institutions
  • Foster public engagement and participation
  • Make complex concepts accessible to the general public
Audio Engineering, Broadcasting, Communications, Journalism, Media Studies, Videography
Program heading image for PUBINT
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Site ExpeditionsSITEX
Putting eyes on anomalous historical sites

A unique initiative designed to undertake explorations of anomalous historical locations. These expeditions serve as a bridge between our contemporary understanding of the world and the mysteries of the past, providing a tangible, firsthand perspective on historical anomalies. By putting boots on the ground, we delve into the unexplored, gathering evidence, experience, and unique insights about these locations.

These journeys are more than mere visits; they represent our commitment to expanding the horizons of our knowledge. The expeditions are an active quest for truth, a hands-on endeavor that seeks to challenge prevailing narratives and forge a deeper understanding of our shared history.

Embark with us on these journeys into the past, to rediscover forgotten chapters of our history and shed new light on the mysteries they hold.

Program Goals
  • Conduct comprehensive examinations of historical anomalies
  • Foster understanding and appreciation of global heritage
  • Establish partnerships with international research organizations
  • Monetize through expedition sponsorships, documentaries, and exclusive content
  • Operate in an environmentally sustainable and responsible manner
  • Disseminate findings through diverse media channels for maximum reach
  • Inspire a renewed interest in historical study
  • Achieve operational excellence in field research and exploration
  • Foster community participation and engagement
  • Position ourselves as a reliable source of truth in historical exploration
Archaeology, Geography
Program heading image for SITEX
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User PlatformMBR
Deeply personalized Cosmos University experience

A personalized learning experience can make all the difference in an individual's journey of discovery. Our platform offers a personalized user-based access to the Cosmos University experience, designed to enhance learning and discovery for each individual. This approach is rooted in the belief that learning is a personal journey, and every individual's path is unique.

The platform offers a wealth of resources and opportunities for engagement, fostering a learning environment that adapts to the needs and preferences of each user.

Experience a new level of personalized learning with us, and let us be your guide in your journey of discovery and growth.

Program Goals
  • Provide a deeply personalized Cosmos University experience
  • Monetize through subscriptions, premium features, and partnerships
  • Impact learning experiences of individuals globally
  • Achieve operational efficiency and sustainability in platform management
  • Foster a culture of personalized learning and user empowerment
  • Collaborate with educational technology providers and institutions
  • Expand platform accessibility through various digital channels
  • Uphold data privacy and security standards in all operations
  • Continuously improve platform features based on user feedback
  • Inspire a new paradigm in personalized learning experiences
Graphic Design, Layout Design, Software Engineering, System Architecture
Program heading image for MBR
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Special Access Programs

At Cosmos University, we are firmly committed to fostering a culture of curiosity, exploration, and knowledge expansion. Among our varied initiatives, the Special Access Programs hold a unique place, designed for those who seek to delve into less charted territories of knowledge. These programs, however, require a certain level of discretion due to the profound and potentially transformative nature of the subjects at hand.

Maintaining a level of confidentiality ensures the successful fruition of these programs and respects the possible unforeseen implications they may carry. While our approach is rooted in the principle of transparency, we understand the necessity of discretion in these exceptional cases.

To begin the journey into these extraordinary realms of exploration, prospective participants are encouraged to reach out to our Clearance Desk.

Restricted Access
Special Clearance Required
Biology, Etymology, Executive Strategy, History
Looking Glass
Cosmology, Mathematics, Physics
Flying Giant
Aerodynamics, Astrophysics, Electrical Engineering, Physics, System Engineering
Singing Giant
Audio Engineering, Linguistics, Mathematics
Archaeology, Electrical Engineering, Materials Science, Physics
Anthropology, Archaeology, Etymology
Archaeology, Electrical Engineering, Etymology, Excavation, Physics
Anthropology, Archaeology, Cultural Studies
Hydrology, Hydrophysics
Electrical Engineering, Parapsychology, Physics
Condor's Flight
Anthropology, Archaeology, Cultural Studies
Archaeology, Environmental Science, Geography, Maritime Archaeology, Parapsychology
Chemical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Unnamed Program
Biology, Cultural Studies, Parapsychology, Zoology
Biochemistry, Biology, Electromagnetic Studies, Optics
Cosmology, Parapsychology, Philosophy
Unnamed Program
Anthropology, Archaeology, Cultural Studies
Electromagnetic Studies, Parapsychology, Physics
Hidden Giant
Astrology, Astronomy, Cultural Studies, Psychology
Archaeology, Cultural Studies, Environmental Science, Maritime Archaeology
Broom Stick
Cultural Studies, History, Literature, Parapsychology, Philosophy
Astrophysics, Electromagnetic Studies, Environmental Science, Geography, Parapsychology, Physics
Artificial Intelligence, Mechanical Engineering, Political Science, Software Engineering
Angry Giant
Defense & Strategic Studies, Political Science
Unnamed Program
Anthropology, Archaeology, Etymology
Unnamed Program
Anthropology, Archaeology, Cultural Studies
Unnamed Program
Parapsychology, Psychology, Research
Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, Parapsychology, Research
Unnamed Program
Alternative Medicine, Biomedical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Science
Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering
Electromagnetic Studies, Environmental Science, Geography, Geology
Electromagnetic Studies, Field Theory
Bioengineering, Parapsychology, Physics, Psychology
Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Etymology
Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Neuroscience
Etymology, Mathematics
Broadcasting, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, Parapsychology
Sleeping Giant
Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Biology, Chemistry
Field Theory, Parapsychology, Physics, Probability & Statistics
Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electromagnetic Studies, Logistics, Mechanical Engineering, Physics
Esoteric Studies, Parapsychology, Probability & Statistics
Unnamed Program
Anthropology, Archaeology, Cultural Studies
Artificial Intelligence, Cultural Studies, Etymology, Linguistics, Media Studies, Neuroscience, Psychology, Software Engineering, System Architecture
Architecture, Geometry, Graphic Design, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics
Artificial Intelligence, Esoteric Studies, Graphic Design, Software Engineering, System Architecture
Unnamed Program
Astrophysics, Cosmology, Physics
Air Warden
Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Meteorology
Claim Domain
Anthropology, Archaeology, Excavation, History
Parapsychology, Physics
Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Meteorology
Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering
Acoustics, Mechanical Engineering, Physics
Board of Trustees Image
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A message from

The Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees at Cosmos University stands as a pillar of strength, guiding the institution towards its vision and mission. This esteemed collective carries a mantle of responsibility, balancing the financial health, ethical standards, and intellectual rigor required to steer the University through the sea of ever-evolving global dynamics.

The Board's powers stretch across pivotal operational aspects, from approving budgets to setting strategic objectives and overseeing executive leadership. These powers are carefully exercised to ensure the University's long-term prosperity and relevance. On the other hand, their purpose illuminates their role as custodians of the University's core values. They ensure truth, morality, and ethical conduct as standards, nurture intellectual curiosity, and drive institutional transparency and effectiveness. Through the intricate interplay of these powers and purposes, the Board of Trustees shapes the trajectory of Cosmos University, guaranteeing a vibrant legacy of knowledge, innovation, and impact.

  • Enforcing high standards of truth, morality, and ethical conduct that are upheld in all of Cosmos University's endeavors.
  • Acting rapidly to address the ever-changing global landscape, ensuring the Company's adaptability and resilience.
  • Fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity, innovation, and knowledge expansion within the Company.
  • Ensuring transparency, accountability, and effectiveness in the Company's operations and initiatives.
  • Ensuring the enduring financial vitality and prosperity of Cosmos University through prudent fiscal management and strategic resource allocation.
  • Approval or denial of all budgetary needs of the organization, ensuring financial health and sustainability.
  • Establishing policies and strategic objectives aligned with the vision of Cosmos University.
  • Selection and oversight of the University's executive leadership, ensuring a steadfast guidance and direction.
  • Supervision and endorsement of significant operational changes and initiatives to maintain relevance and growth.
Statement from the Board

In an era where we seek truths and challenge conventions, we at Cosmos find ourselves asking not "why," but "what if." What if we could illuminate the mysteries shrouded in time and culture? What if we could unravel the threads of spiritual wisdom that link us all? This fundamental query, driven by curiosity and an open-minded spirit, guides our journey.

We acknowledge the audacious endeavor that Cosmos has undertaken; an exploration that reaches into the esoteric, that intertwines science and what some may consider magic. Here, we see the confluence of spirituality, truth, and justice. Here, we emphasize the power of words, the preservation of history and cultural traditions, and the power of curiosity.

We are involved in several revenue generating initiatives which allow us to operate as a private organization. These projects secure our future; we provide for our own foundation through practical and necessary efforts that are listed on this page.

As a collective, we have taken vast strides, laying a foundation that simultaneously respects ancient wisdom and embraces modern investigation. Our achievements are the product of a resilient spirit, relentless curiosity, and unwavering commitment to the quest for truth. We have created a comprehensive data source and a dynamic platform for exploration and discourse—a testament to our vision, strategic work, and an unfaltering 'why not change the world' mentality.

In contemplating the future of Cosmos, we envision an institution that transcends borders and disciplines, one that spearheads a cleansing wave of truth through industries awash with misinformation. We are committed to preserving the truth in spiritual and historical matters, aiming to dispel the clouds of confusion and uncertainty that have lingered too long.

Addressing the challenges head-on, we have initiated significant measures. Through the Cosmos University Publication System (CUPS) program, we counter the rampant misinformation that veils the truth. Simultaneously, our DATABANKS system brings data to magic, tracing the threads of mythology through time and culture, seeking the origins of stories that have been distorted or lost to antiquity.

We express profound gratitude to our readers, to the open-minded and curious souls who dare to ask "what if" alongside us. Your pursuit of truth and your willingness to question convention fuel our shared journey.

Cosmos is more than an organization—it is a community, a collective of truth-seekers. We are governed by a group of passionate individuals who, like you, are committed to a path of discovery. And as we walk this path, we are led by a shared ownership model, a testament to our belief in collaboration and collective responsibility.

At Cosmos, we dare to ask "what if?" What if we could alter the way the world understands spirituality, history, and science? What if we could shed light on the profound interconnectedness of all things? The answers to these questions remain to be discovered. Still, in seeking them, we embody our core values, fulfilling our mission to bring truth to light and challenge the status quo with unwavering courage and integrity.

In this journey of exploration and discovery, we invite you to stand with us, to question with us, and above all, to dare to ask: "What if?"

If you're interested in serving on the board and contributing to the mission of Cosmos University, we invite you to reach out to us at bot_secretary@cosmos.university


Alliances for Advancement: Explore the Partnerships We've Forged, Understanding the Strength Derived from Unity and Our Shared Commitment to Progress.

To introduce a partnership opportunity, please contact od_partners@cosmos.university

Dreamtek Institute
Research into dreamscapes

The DreamTek Institute explores, exploits, and engineers dreams. Through innovative technologies, they forge the future of dreaming, allowing individuals to script and control their dreams. Far beyond entertainment, their research heralds new mental health therapies, skill development, and a fresh understanding of shared dreams.

Visit Site
Omatum Studios
Artistic Think Tank

Creators of top-tier content, Omatum Studios: artists and engineers exploring technology and innovation. Incorporating developmental architecture, art, design, unique experiments and content creation, they refine product engineering as art. Home of the Technonauts, they're a hub of invention & entertainment, envisioning the future.

Visit Site
Spirit Radio
Research into Cosmic Influences

Blending cosmic forces and numerical elegance, Spirit Radio is bridging science and spirituality. The Spirit Radio team utilizes astrology, astronomy, and mathematics to decode non-local influences. Their cosmic calculator is not merely a tool but a gateway, a path to understanding how the universe resonates within each individual.

Visit Site
Cosmos University headline image featuring beautiful half-lit high resolution photo of Luna with night sky.
We support esoteric
research so that humanity
better understands
magic, knowledge and faith
We support esoteric
research so that humanity
better understands
magic, knowledge and faith
We support esoteric
research so that humanity
better understands
magic, knowledge and faith
At Cosmos University, we view esoteric research as a key to unlocking profound truths about magic, knowledge, and faith. This exploration allows us to dive into untapped depths of understanding, building bridges across different cultures and philosophical traditions. More than just an intellectual pursuit, we believe this journey can lead us toward a more enlightened existence. As part of our commitment to this mission, a significant portion of our net profits—specifically a third—is dedicated to supporting ongoing and future research. Every Cosmos University publication, therefore, is more than a book—it's a contribution to a grander cause, fostering an enriching cycle of discovery, knowledge, and enlightenment.
40 Total, 16 Public
sources tracked
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digital assets
visit the databanks
Magical Effects
to begin
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Visibilia ex Invisibilibus
Reach with us
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Your journey through the Cosmos has been initiated. The actions you take shape your destiny, we are looking forward to charting a course with you.

Your email has been added to our databank system, when appropriate we will reach out with further instructions. If there is a more pressing concern, please consult our /contact/ page for more ways to get in touch with us.
Select your path(s)
Across the vast expanse of time and space, the universe presents infinite pathways, each paved with potential and brimming with the promise of discovery. Your journey within this cosmos is a unique odyssey, an individual dance with destiny awaiting your first step.

Beside you, a kaleidoscope of options lies in wait, a cosmic constellation not of stars, but of paths ready to be traversed. Each selection represents a distinct way to interact with the universe, an opportunity to contribute to our collective understanding and to influence the greater narrative of existence.

In this celestial tableau, every choice echoes with the potential for discovery, for connection, and for personal growth. This is your moment, a personal invitation to engage with the universe in a way that resonates with you.

This is more than a call to action—it's a dance with destiny. Sculpt your voyage across the cosmic seas, compose your own symphony amidst the grand orchestra of existence. Your path awaits, ready for you to take that leap and let the journey begin.
Begin your journey