September 2024
Illuminating Hidden Truths

At Cosmos University, we envision a future where the mysteries of our world and its forgotten past are uncovered through rigorous research and open-minded exploration. Our mission is to provide a platform for truth-seekers and scholars alike, curating a comprehensive databank that houses the stories, artifacts, texts, sites, and objects of power from both ancient and modern history. By assembling these fragments, we offer the world truthful, evidence-based analysis that brings clarity to spiritual and historical phenomena. As new data surfaces, we remain dedicated to evolving our understanding and shedding light on humanity’s hidden past.

In the long term, Cosmos University will expand to cover every corner of esoteric knowledge. From sacred sites and lost civilizations to magical items and symbols of power, we will unite this wealth of information in one place. Our goal is not just to gather data but to analyze it with integrity, fostering new interpretations that may rewrite history itself. We aim to push the boundaries of what is considered knowable and uncover the truths that have been hidden for millennia.

Through a blend of science, intuition, and scholarly rigor, we will help humanity fill in the gaps of its story. Cosmos University will serve as a beacon for those who seek knowledge beyond the ordinary, forging a path toward a future that honors both the mysteries of the past and the discoveries of tomorrow.

Pioneering Unseen Realms

Cosmos University is committed to exploring realms that go beyond the conventional, engaging in PSI research, the study of spiritual phenomena, and the investigation of magical items and objects of power. We create an environment where ideas that seem impossible are given the space to thrive. Our research spans from the properties of sacred geometry to unexplained historical sites, allowing us to explore the frontiers of human knowledge with an open and curious mind.

We believe that deep research into phenomena often dismissed by mainstream academia can lead to revolutionary insights. By taking a holistic approach that values both intuition and scientific methodology, we pursue subjects that have the potential to shift our understanding of the universe. Our work in uncovering the 300,000+ years of missing human history is just one example of how we seek to uncover humanity’s untold stories.

Cosmos University is a place where deep mysteries are not only explored but also rigorously tested. Our commitment to curiosity ensures that we remain open to extraordinary possibilities, while our dedication to truth ensures that everything is grounded in reality. Through this, we aim to pioneer discoveries that will reshape how we understand the world.

Communicating the Mystical with Integrity

At Cosmos University, our commitment to truth and accuracy guides everything we communicate. We believe in the importance of citation, sourcing, and presenting information in its most honest form. Whether we are sharing groundbreaking research or publishing ancient texts, our mission is to ensure that all information is properly referenced and meticulously analyzed.

We aspire to set a new standard for how mystical and esoteric knowledge is conveyed. Inspired by the tradition of natural philosophy, where hypotheses were tested and proven, we believe that spiritual claims should be treated with the same intellectual rigor. Cosmos University will not embellish for the sake of mysticism but will keep the curiosity alive through exploration, discovery, and proof.

In this pursuit, we encourage an open dialogue where ideas are tested rather than shut down. By communicating our findings with clarity, accuracy, and excitement, we invite others to join in the journey of discovery, ensuring that truth remains at the heart of all we do.

A Community of Creative Discovery

We take great pride in the creativity and intellectual curiosity that permeates Cosmos University. Our work is not just about gathering data—it’s about expressing that data through the lens of imagination, innovation, and rigorous analysis. We celebrate the intersection of creative expression and academic integrity, presenting information in a way that honors both the spirit of discovery and the truth of the facts.

Through our research, we’ve developed a community where seekers can explore spiritual, mystical, and historical subjects in a supportive environment. At Cosmos University, people are empowered to connect with one another, share their knowledge, and challenge established norms. We foster an atmosphere of collaboration, where diverse perspectives come together in pursuit of deeper understanding.

The heart of Cosmos University lies in our collective drive to express our findings and our belief that knowledge is a shared experience. We are proud of the community we’ve built, where ideas are nurtured, tested, and celebrated.

Driven by the Pursuit of Truth

At Cosmos University, we are driven by a singular mission: to uncover the origins of the world’s greatest mysteries. We believe that it is not enough to accept information at face value; we must trace it back to its source. Whether it’s unraveling myths, deciphering sacred symbols, or investigating the history of magical objects, we are relentless in our pursuit of truth.

Our work is guided by a deep-seated belief that people deserve to know where their information comes from. By conducting thorough research and following every lead to its origin, we provide clarity in a world where truth is often obscured. This determination is what fuels Cosmos University, propelling us forward in our quest to discover the hidden roots of history and knowledge.

Our passion for this pursuit keeps us focused and energized. We believe that the truth is out there, waiting to be found—and Cosmos University will be at the forefront of bringing it to light.

Creative Exploration and Innovation

At Cosmos University, creativity is essential to everything we do. We approach each project with an open mind, linking multiple fields of research and carefully working through every detail. Our process is one of exploration: we gather data, study it deeply, then design and plan our findings, ultimately presenting it in ways that push the boundaries of what is known.

Our research often leads us to unexpected places, uncovering meanings and insights that challenge accepted narratives. In these moments, creativity and intellectual rigor go hand in hand, allowing us to develop new interpretations that could reshape entire fields of study. Deep research combined with creative passion is at the core of Cosmos University, making the impossible not just a goal but a reality.

We believe that some of the greatest discoveries are made when we allow ourselves to think beyond the conventional. By approaching each challenge with creativity and a passion for finding the impossible, we open doors to knowledge that few have dared to explore.

Building a Foundation for Growth

The foundation of Cosmos University is built on collaboration and long-term thinking. We believe that a for-profit model is essential to driving research and expanding our reach in the early stages. By collaborating with partners who share our values and vision, we ensure that our work can thrive and grow sustainably.

Our business decisions are guided by what is best for the larger picture. We understand that to uncover the deepest truths, we must also be committed to the long-term health of our organization. This means thinking beyond immediate gains and focusing on strategies that will support our mission for years to come.

Cosmos University’s financial mission is not just about growth—it’s about supporting the research and exploration that drives our work. By building a stable and sustainable foundation, we ensure that our discoveries can continue to illuminate the hidden corners of history and spirituality.

October 2022

Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to research spiritual subjects such as Extra Sensory Perception, herbalism, the properties of crystals, rituals and spells, deities and their pantheons, spirit animals, sacred geometry, words, numbers, technologies, symbols, and more from the esoteric and occult realms?

We believe that all of this information is presented in a fractured form, typically aligning to the individual or group that published the data’s beliefs and that the only way to objectively and accurately provide a resource to which we can all learn from is to codify and present all of this information in one place with thorough sourcing and intuitive interfaces.

We are on a mission to fill our databanks with the endless tomes of information that we find from these various sources - ranging from intuitively channeled downloads to scientifically proven facts. By doing this, we can bring these multiple sources of diverse information together to see the different perspectives, and emerge patterns of cohesion and agreement.

We are compiling thousands of texts and millions of experiences from every imaginable belief system and viewpoint into an easily accessible and quickly navigable format so seekers of knowledge can find an oasis of information that will quench their spirit’s thirst for truthful growth.

Cosmos University aims to unite bright minds, curious seekers, and ancient knowledge under a revolution in the understanding of our shared Universe.

Cosmos University headline image featuring beautiful half-lit high resolution photo of Luna with night sky.
We support esoteric
research so that humanity
better understands
magic, knowledge and faith
We support esoteric
research so that humanity
better understands
magic, knowledge and faith
We support esoteric
research so that humanity
better understands
magic, knowledge and faith
At Cosmos University, we view esoteric research as a key to unlocking profound truths about magic, knowledge, and faith. This exploration allows us to dive into untapped depths of understanding, building bridges across different cultures and philosophical traditions. More than just an intellectual pursuit, we believe this journey can lead us toward a more enlightened existence. As part of our commitment to this mission, a significant portion of our net profits—specifically a third—is dedicated to supporting ongoing and future research. Every Cosmos University publication, therefore, is more than a book—it's a contribution to a grander cause, fostering an enriching cycle of discovery, knowledge, and enlightenment.
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Across the vast expanse of time and space, the universe presents infinite pathways, each paved with potential and brimming with the promise of discovery. Your journey within this cosmos is a unique odyssey, an individual dance with destiny awaiting your first step.

Beside you, a kaleidoscope of options lies in wait, a cosmic constellation not of stars, but of paths ready to be traversed. Each selection represents a distinct way to interact with the universe, an opportunity to contribute to our collective understanding and to influence the greater narrative of existence.

In this celestial tableau, every choice echoes with the potential for discovery, for connection, and for personal growth. This is your moment, a personal invitation to engage with the universe in a way that resonates with you.

This is more than a call to action—it's a dance with destiny. Sculpt your voyage across the cosmic seas, compose your own symphony amidst the grand orchestra of existence. Your path awaits, ready for you to take that leap and let the journey begin.
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