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St. John's Wort
Also known as: Amber, Fuga daemonum, Goat Weed, Herba John, John's wort, Klamath Weed, Sol Terrestis, Tipton Weed, Hypericum, Scare-Devil

Hypericum perforatum
St. John's Wort Spiritual Properties from four sources
- Masculine
- Sol
(3 sources agree)
- Fire
(2 sources agree)
- Baldur
(2 sources agree)
Magic Effects
- Alleviates Symptoms of Depression
- Alleviates Symptoms of Menopause
- Alleviates Symptoms of Rheumatism
- Amplifies Courage
- Amplifies Happiness
- Amplifies Strength
- Anti-Anxiety
- Calming
- Dealing With Confrontation
- Divination
- Dream of a Future Lover
- Exorcism
- Health
- Helps With Love Divination
(2 sources agree) - Household Luck
- Manifests Illumination
- Manifests Love
- Manifests Prophetic Dreams
- Manifests Romance
- Protection
- Protection Against Evil Spirits
- Repels Negativity
- Smudging
- Treats Headaches
- Treats Insomnia
- Treats Migraines
- Treats Muscle Pain
- Treats Puffiness Swelling
Known metaphysical Materia of St. John's Wort
- St. John's Wort Cuttings
Refined > whole > cuttings