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Also known as: European Raspberry, Red Raspberry, Bramble of Mt.Ida, Hindberry, Raspis

Rubus idaeus, Rubus strigosus
Raspberry Spiritual Properties from four sources
- Feminine
- Venus
(3 sources agree)
- Water
(2 sources agree)
Magic Effects
- Amplifies Dream Magic
- Amplifies Gentleness
- Amplifies Patience
- Amplifies Relationships
- Astringent
- Healing After Childbirth
- Helps With Childbirth
- Helps With Digestion
- Helps With Sleep
- Manifests Fertility
- Manifests Love
(2 sources agree) - Manifests Nurturing
- Manifests Romance
- Oral Health
- Pregnancy Health
- Protection
- Sunscreen
- Treats Gum Disease
- Treats Inflammation
- Treats Mouth Sores
- Treats Nausea
- Treats Sore Throat
Known metaphysical Materia of Raspberry
- Raspberry Leaf Cuttings
Refined > leaf > cuttings