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Also known as: Brandy Mint, Lammint
Mentha piperita
Peppermint Spiritual Properties from six sources
- Masculine
Magic Effects
- Alleviates Symptoms of Colds and the Flu
(2 sources agree) - Alleviates Symptoms of Depression
- Amplifies Alertness
- Amplifies Awareness
(3 sources agree) - Amplifies Communication
- Amplifies Creativity
- Amplifies Dream Magic
- Amplifies Energy
- Amplifies Focus
- Amplifies Gentleness
- Amplifies Happiness
(2 sources agree) - Amplifies Intellect
- Amplifies Intuition
- Amplifies Love Spells
- Amplifies Passion
- Amplifies Psychic Powers
(3 sources agree) - Amplifies Relationships
- Amplifies Sensitivity
- Amplifies Stimulation
(2 sources agree) - Analgesic
(2 sources agree) - Anti-Fatigue
- Anti-Laziness
- Breaks Bad Habits
- Breaks Curses
- Decongestion
- Elevates Consciousness
- Expectorant
- Fighting Fear
- Focuses Intention
- Healing
(3 sources agree) - Heart Health
- Helps Astral Projection
- Helps With Banishment
- Helps With Consecration
- Helps With Decision Making
- Helps With Digestion
(2 sources agree) - Helps With Dream Recall
- Helps With Lucid Dreaming
- Helps With Mental Function
- Helps With Perception
- Helps With Purification
(3 sources agree) - Helps With Release
- Helps With Scrying
- Helps With Sleep
(2 sources agree) - Hex Breaking
- Manifests Clarity
- Manifests Growth
- Manifests Love
(2 sources agree) - Manifests Luck
- Manifests Money
- Manifests New Ideas
- Manifests Peace
- Manifests Positivity
- Manifests Power
- Manifests Prophetic Dreams
- Manifests Prosperity
- Manifests Visions
- Overall Pain Relief
- Protection
- Protection Against Evil Spirits
- Psychic Awareness
- Raises Vibration
- Rationality
- Recovery from Illness
- Removes Negative Energy
(2 sources agree) - Repels Negativity
- Restores Balance
- Self Control
- Spiritual Attunement
- Spiritual Awakening
- Spiritual Cleansing
- Treats Bloating
- Treats Dandruff
- Treats Diarrhea
- Treats Fever
- Treats Headaches
(2 sources agree) - Treats Insomnia
(2 sources agree) - Treats Lethargy
- Treats Menstrual Cramps
- Treats Nausea
- Treats Sinus Infections
- Treats Stomach Cramps
- Treats Vomiting
- Uncrossing
Affinity with Crystals
Known metaphysical Materia of Peppermint
- Peppermint Leaf Cuttings
Refined > leaf > cuttings