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Treats Headaches
- Effect Type(s): body
Associated Plants
- Basil
- Cardamom
- Cayenne
- Cinnamon
- Fennel
- Gardenia
- Lavender
(2 sources agree) - Lemongrass
- Marjoram
- Mint
- Peppermint
(2 sources agree) - Rosemary
- St. John's Wort
- Valerian
Associated Crystals
- Amblygonite
- Amethyst
(2 sources agree) - Amethyst Elestial
- Amethyst Phantom Quartz
- Ametrine
- Anhydrite
- Aventurine
- Blue Aventurine
- Blue Lace Agate
- Bustamite
- Bustamite With Sugilite
- Candle Quartz
- Carnelian
- Cat's Eye
- Cherry Opal
- Cymophane
- Dumortierite
- Green Aventurine
- Iceland Spar
- Iolite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Larimar
- Magnesite
- Nuummite
- Orange Phantom Quartz
- Pietersite
- Pink Carnelian
- Reversed Orange Phantom Quartz
- Smoky Rose Quartz
- Smoky quartz
(2 sources agree) - Sugilite