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Helps With Centering
- Effect Type(s): spirit, mind
Associated Plants
- Cardamom
- Eucalyptus
- German Chamomile
- Jasmine
- Lavender
- Lemon Balm
- Lemongrass
- Myrrh
- Oakmoss
- Patchouli
(2 sources agree) - Pepper
- Red Sandalwood
- Roman Chamomile
- White Sandalwood
Associated Crystals
- Alexandrite
- Ammolite
- Aragonite
- Blue Fluorite
- Brown Jasper
(2 sources agree) - Brown Zircon
(2 sources agree) - Calcite
- Cherry Opal
- Epidote
- Fluorite
- Galena
- Green Fluorite
- Kunzite
- Onyx
- Pink Calcite
- Pink Fluorite
- Sichuan Quartz
- Snowflake Obsidian
- Tibetan Black Spot Quartz
- Yellow Fluorite
- Youngite
- Yttrian Fluorite