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Amplifies Awareness
- Effect Type(s): mind, spirit
Associated Plants
- Bay
- Cayenne
- Frankincense
- Geranium
- Lavender
- Neroli
- Patchouli
- Peppermint
(3 sources agree) - Red Clover
- Ylang-Ylang
Associated Crystals
- Agate
- Amethyst
(2 sources agree) - Andean Blue Opal
- Angelite
- Avalonite
- Blue Tourmaline
- Brown Jasper
- Bustamite With Sugilite
- Cacoxenite
- Calcite
- Garnet
- Lapis Lazuli
(2 sources agree) - Lavender Quartz
- Lepidocrosite With Quartz or Amethyst
- Lithium Quartz
- Malachite With Chrysocolla
- Nebula Stone
- Opal Aura Quartz
- Peach Selenite
- Phantom Quartz
- Red Feldspar With Phenacite
- Ruby
(2 sources agree) - Stichtite
- Tanzanite
- Vanadinite
- White Sapphire