For 12,500 years our individual and group potential has been steadily growing, uninterrupted by global catastrophe. Stories have become our history - they recount experiences and encounters we have had, they tell of the mountains we have climbed and the mysteries which still remain unsolved, they braid the legacy of our shared human existence. They tell of times when we had more than now, somehow time has stolen pieces of our collective soul.
We can no longer afford to be divided.
Our global history requires us to think of ways to combine forces into global initiative communities to pave the way for a cosmic future. What is a cosmic future? It is one in which we assume that the universe is not an empty space, devoid of higher life forms. It is one in which we assume that our planet is not the only one which hosts individuals capable of love, art, engineering, warfare, imagination, (etc). It is one in which we must ask the question: “Where do we fit in all of this?”
A cosmic future begins by a re-examination of our shared history, seeing it in a global light - and resting in the knowledge of a seemingly expansive timeframe of at least 300,000 years of periodically interrupted growth. We accept that we know so very little about our time on the planet as a species and we may need to discover our own future through the careful consideration of our past.